Little Kiwis Photography, Located in Norther California. Serving Lincoln, Roseville, Rocklin, auburn, and Surrounding areas.

Something different

I was way excited for the opportunity my sister in law gave me to help her with her modeling portfolio. We went to down town lincoln and tried some different stuff. I think they turned out prety good. It was fun, the best part for me though was all the honks and whistles she got out on the street. It was pretty funny! Tell me what you think of these new shots and location.

O.k! I have gotten a little bit of flack for posting this picture! But I have to tell you that if you knew my sister in law you would know that she loves this picture. And I posted it for her. Any way, she has the butt for it!


chelon:) said...

hi keri! you are sooo talented :) i too have a nice camera, but i still use the automatic button! i would love to learn how to do beautiful stuff like this. nice job. xoxo chelon:)

Cathi said...

She's beautiful! Nice butt too! If I looked that good from that angle I'd put it on my blog!! :) Great job!

Kristen said...

Nice pictures, it's funny people were honking and stuff.

I don't know whose idea it was to have her sit on the railroad tracks, but I freaked when I saw it. Maybe that's the point - living on the edge. =o) Anyway they were great.